Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Rack Space Measurements
January 7, 2016

Infographic: How to Protect Your Online Storefront
January 11, 2016We get a little crazy when we group-Skype, so we thought, “Hey, let’s capture these great moments and put them on the web for four or five people to glance at and then leave.” But then, we had an even better idea: let’s review things. Thus, the first installment of Colocation America Reviews was born. Check back each Friday for more things you don’t care about that we review with authority.
Chris L
Awwwwww, yeah! It’s time–ONCE AGAIN–for Colocation America Reviews! This week, we’re reviewing superpowers!
Q.C. Crea
Like the Soviet Union?
Chris L
Yep, we’re talking national super powers
Q.C. Crea
Well my favorite would have to be The United States of America. Back-to-back World War champs
Chris L
God, I hope USA gets the three-peat. Do you think that Vladamir Putin has super powers? I mean, he has wrestled a bear, rode a moose, and is shirtless most times.
Boring – let’s talk about if you could have any super power, what would you have?
Q.C. Crea
Probably the ability to be Vladamir Putin
Hold up – Putin goes shirtless? How have I missed this?
Q.C. Crea
Yeah in nearly everything
Chris L
You haven’t seen pics of ol’ Puty shirtless? That’s his default uniform
Thank you Buzzfeed – http://www.buzzfeed.com/copyranter/16-homoerotic-photos-of-vladimir-putin
Q.C. Crea
Welp, give me 5 mins here… I got some, uhhh things to do
Chris L
While Q figures out the feelings he’s feeling– Sam, what superpower would you go for?
This is a rough one – I have to go with mind reading/control
Chris L
I’d go for super strength.
Chris L
Because there’s so many things that can break off of that–I can jump high because I’m strong, I can punch through stuff, I’m practically indestructible. Mind control is cool up until I uppercut you to the moon, ya know?
You wouldn’t even get the chance! I could make you use your muscles
Chris L
But would you really want to know what everyone’s thinking about all the time? Like, you’d hear everyone’s thoughts
Q.C. Crea
Now do you just have insanely large muscles?
Chris L
No, I’d want to keep the body I have now. I don’t want to be like, Ronnie Coleman or Arnold size
But can we agree that mind control and reading is like the same super power? Or is it 2?
Chris L
I’d say it falls under telekinesis? Like, if you have mind powers, you can do various things
Q.C. Crea
Nah telekinesis would be different
Chris L
I feel like having big muscles like that would be a hindrance to my abilities. I wouldn’t be able to find a shirt that fits, let alone a custom made suit of armor
Yeah you would – it’s called a sheet
Q.C. Crea
That happens in Dragon Ball Z, btw, when they’re fighting Buu
They wear a sheet?
Chris L
Yep, every DBZ character is a ghost
Q.C. Crea
No, the one guy is like super powerful and stuff, but his muscles are too big and the quicker guy beats him
Chris L
Yeah, I value my cat-like agility
Q.C. Crea
The ability to uppercut somebody to the moon would be simply amazing
Chris L
Did I mention I already have cat-like agility in the real world? I do. Don’t question or ask me to demonstrate, just take my word.
Q.C. Crea
How would you be able to do delicate things? Like shoot a basketball without shooting it out of the gym
Chris L
Oh! I could enter MLB and just smack home runs all the time, make millions, and use the millions to buy myself a custom suit of armor.
Q.C. Crea
Hahahahah you have strength, not hand-eye coordination
Q – What is your super power of choice?
Q.C. Crea
Information sponge
Ok – how would you pick it all up?
Q.C. Crea
Anything I read, hear, etc. will go right in the information bank
But people already have that super power…
Q.C. Crea
I would never forget, and would try and learn everything, since I can do that, it would enable me to quickly become omniscient and people would worship me
Oh I get it, your goal is to be worshipped?
Q.C. Crea
Sure. But also I can decipher all that information — you know, understand it like instantly. For example, I could look at the most complicated math formula and understand it and solve it in seconds
So more like you know everything that has ever been in some human’s brain?
Q.C. Crea
Well, yes and no. I have to encounter it to learn it; so I could look at a ladybug and understand how it works, or a car’s engine, etc.
I look forward to controlling your mind then
Q.C. Crea
We have to name ourselves now. I’d call myself MULTIFACETEDMAN
Chris L
Solid use of caps. Makes it seem more intimidating, considering you’re just a guy that learns things.
Q.C. Crea
See, Sam, what you’re forgetting is that I could look at you and understand your superpower and use it
But I just want this super power and I do not want anyone to know
Q.C. Crea
I’d know, because I’m MULTIFACETEDMAN.
Hold up – do all people with super powers have to be superheroes or super villains?
Q.C. Crea
Basically, I guess I’m Peter Petrelli from Heroes with the added ability to understand EVERYTHING, not just other superpowers. I think superpowers encompasses villains too
Ok but why can’t they just be normal people – you know, just chilling and BAM! Super strength!
Q.C. Crea
So you’re saying they don’t necessarily have to be born with these Super Powers?
Chris L
If you have a power, you have to be either a villain or hero. No in-between. I don’t want my cashier having laser eyes.
Nope, I am saying that – what is the name of that movie with Will Smith where he is a superhero who does not want to be one? – That movie makes me think nope, no superhero for me
Q.C. Crea
Chris L
Yep, Hitch
Yeah, that one – he makes it look terrible!
Chris L
Kevin James was his sidekick–Undateable Boy.
Plus, I don’t want to be famous

Pictured: BroZilla
Q.C. Crea
Nah, but seriously, you’re thinking of Hancock
Chris L
I like Q’s information sponge super power. Would you use it for good or evil?
Q.C. Crea
Wait why can’t a cashier have laser eyes? Are you saying your superpower is your occupation? Like you have to join the forces of good or evil?
Chris L
Yeah. Pick a side, this is America.
Q.C. Crea
Gotcha. Ummm, I’d probably use it for good, but I’d be totally corruptible
Umm, if I have to, I would go with good, of course
Chris L
Lame. I’m trying to rob banks, punch old people to the moon. Just do evil stuff, in general
Q.C. Crea
I feel like I would get very jaded and angsty
Chris L
Throw cats INTO trees
Q.C. Crea
That is evil?
Q.C. Crea
Cats love trees
Chris L
Then I’d throw the tree into the moon
Q.C. Crea
Unless you’re just throwing them directly into the trunk
Chris L
Wait – your super strength can get you to the moon? Are you telling me Arnold can jump to the moon?
Q.C. Crea
Now does your strength allow for you to penetrate the moon with objects?
Chris L
Yeah, I can jump really high, and at that point gravity will take over. I’m not Arnold strong, I’m like Superman strong
Q.C. Crea
Like could you throw the tree with a cat-outlined-carbon-scorch on the trunk through the moon?
Chris L
I jump really high, get into a low earth orbit, then fart my way to my moon base. I have super strength so I have super strong farts as well
Ok and how do you get back down?
Chris L
Jump back down. Why is this so hard to comprehend?
Q.C. Crea
So your lungs are also so strong that they don’t even need air
Chris L
Also, when was the last time you saw “the world’s strongest man” jump high?
Q.C. Crea
I’d imagine everything you’d do would be powerful
Chris L
I take a breath, jump really high, fart my way to my moon base (which has oxygen)
Q.C. Crea
But he retains his body now
So really, you want everything you do to be powerful MINUS your brain?
Q.C. Crea
Brain’s not a muscle
Chris L
Q.C. Crea
Be sure to stretch your quads
Chris L
You will be so dumb, you won’t know to fart your way back down
Chris L
I got there, I’m sure I can figure out how to fart my way back down
Q.C. Crea
Hahahaha nah, he’d be of his intelligence now, I’d suspect
Chris L
Exactly. I really feel like you guys aren’t grasping what my super power is. I’m the same person I am now, but SUPER STRONG. Like, “beyond anything measurable on earth” strong.
“Brah, I just farted my way back to Earth”
Q.C. Crea
Unless he just turns into a bro
Chris L
Super Bro. Evil Bro…BroZilla
BroZilla is the winner
Q.C. Crea
Chris L
Yes! BroZilla is my villain name. My moon base is sponsored by Natty Light and Pitbull just gives around-the-clock performances
Q.C. Crea
Hahahahahah. Ok so we have MULTIFACETEDMAN and BroZilla. What’s your name, Sam?
Real life – I love Pitbull
Chris L
Q.C. Crea
Does Pitbull have a superpower?
Chris L
The ability to start a party anywhere
Yep. And the inability to grow hair
Q.C. Crea
Ok ok, let’s discuss seemingly “normal” people, like Pitbull, that have secret superpowers that allow them to do what they do
(So me…)
Q.C. Crea
Chris L
You can’t grow hair?
Q.C. Crea
Let me rephrase–people that the majority of America knows, like Brad Pitt
Chris L
Brad Pitt is Dorian Grey. Never gets old, always gorgeous. I bet he and Angelina have paintings of themselves like Grey too.
Q.C. Crea
I think George Clooney is Old Dorian Grey. Oldrian Grey
Chris L
JLaw’s super power is….
Q.C. Crea
I think we all saw JLaw’s superpower….
Chris L
Q.C. Crea
Chris L
Aww, poor JLaw
Chris L
Oh I saw JLaw’s superpower. I saw, then saw again. Then saw it again a few days later
Q.C. Crea
10/10 would see again
Just to clarify – you are talking about Jude Law, right?
Q.C. Crea
Chris L
Nude Law
Ok James Franco’s super power – go!
Chris L
The ability to look high at all times despite never smoking weed.
Q.C. Crea
I think he can see with his eyes closed. Which, as far as superpowers are concerned, it’s a pretty weak one
That is a good one! Ok, ok, ok – Shia LaBeouf
Q.C. Crea
Shia LaDouche
Chris L
The ability to motivate other heroes. DO IT! USE YOUR SUPERPOWER! NOT TOMORROW! TODAY! USE IT!
Q.C. Crea
Chris L
Worst superpower on a superhero?
It has to be Aquaman’s ability to talk to fish, right?
Q.C. Crea
Wait is it worst superpower or worst superhero?
Chris L
Worst superpower that a hero has. Jubilee of the XMen also controls fireworks, or whatever
Q.C. Crea
Yeah, that’s lame. Can’t Aquaman, like, summon waves and stuff or is it literally just echo-communicating with fish?
Chris L
I think he has mild control over that stuff
Well Rainbow Girl had the superpower mood swings. Apparently there is also Color Kid who had the power to change the color of anything…
Q.C. Crea
Color Kid, huh?
I cheated: https://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/arts/comic-books/10-worst-super-powers-ever-created.htm
Q.C. Crea
That was made pre-50s huh
So the more I am researching the “worst superpowers” the more people are highlighting how annoying telekinesis is…
Chris L
Yeah, you don’t want to read people’s minds. People are gross
But the mind control would be awesome
Q.C. Crea
Would it?
Life would be SO easy. “Hey dude, do this for me”
Q.C. Crea
Would you be experiencing their thoughts while controlling them? Or do you just override their brain?
Chris L
Has anybody seen Jessica Jones on Netflix? The main villain has mind control powers/power of manipulation.
Q.C. Crea
Haven’t watched it yet
Good mind control powers?
Chris L
It’s very good, check it out
Q.C. Crea
But I’m sure MULTIFACETEDMAN already knows about her
Chris L
Why all caps? And can that fit across your uniform?
Q.C. Crea
I’m wide enough for it
Chris L
What would your uniform look like?
Q.C. Crea
I’d have to go full onesie. Or like footy pajamas or something, with the butt flap.
More TMI – I love onesies, haha
Chris L
I want cut off jean shorts, mesh tank top, aviators, American Flag bandana, and leather driving gloves.
Q.C. Crea
The only thing I wouldn’t be able to comprehend is pants’ zippers. That’s my weakness, because everyone has a weakness
Chris L
With “BroZilla” splattered across the front in the style of the American flag
‘Murica wins again!
Q.C. Crea
Would your strength enable super speed? Since you’d be able to push off of the ground so hard
Chris L
Q.C. Crea
Would you be able to make the Earth spin really quickly just by running?
Chris L
No, I’m not that powerful
BroZilla is legit just Hancock
Chris L
Again, mind control tells you no!
Q.C. Crea
So the Greek Titans have you beat in terms of strength?
Chris L
The Tennessee Titans?
Q.C. Crea
Oh, well, you could probably beat them singlehandedly, like literally with one hand
Come on, that isn’t fair – Titans were the sons of Zeus (right?!)
Chris L
Yeah, they’re practically gods
Q.C. Crea
Zeus was the son of the Titan Chaos if I’m not mistaken
Chris L
I’m just a dude with super strength and the ability to fart my way to the moon
Was it the Titans that got eaten by Zeus?
Q.C. Crea
Chaos ate all of his children (the other gods) but Zeus tricked him with a poisoned bezoar. LEARN A LITTLE GREEK HISTORY, SAM. I know all of this, obviously, because I’m MULTIFACETEDMAN
How about the ability to eat anything? Is that a super power?
Chris L
It is! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matter-Eater_Lad
Chris L
Sam, still waiting on your superhero name and weakness
Q.C. Crea
And Chris, we need your weakness
Weakness? None!
Q.C. Crea
Nope everyone has a weakness
Chris L
Wait, Q–what is your weakness?
Then again, if you hit me pretty hard I may be knocked out for a bit
Q.C. Crea
Mine is the inability to understand pants zippers and therefore leads me to constantly have to wear pull ups
So if we pull them off – what happens?
Q.C. Crea
It’s a weakness because if you put pants on me, I’ll get very confused
Chris L
My weakness is being tickled
Q.C. Crea
If you put pants on me, then I become basically useless
I thought it was being dumb, Chris?
Chris L
No, I keep my same body/mind, just super strength. I feel like I shouldn’t have to keep explaining this.
Q.C. Crea
But if you’re tickled, you lose your strength
Chris L
Yeah, like Samson, but with tickling
Q.C. Crea
Right right. So you basically are Hancock
Chris L
Exactly my point!
Chris L
Ok name time: Controller. Weakness: Beanies
Chris L
Beanies because it blocks your mind control powers?
Q.C. Crea
I’m getting awfully strong urges to put on pants, and I don’t know where it’s coming from. I feel like I’m being compelled to do it, though. Like someone is taking over my body.
Chris L
So people wearing beanies is like wearing a tinfoil hat to stop from getting your mind read?
Q.C. Crea
Ohhhh, so you can wear a beanie and be fine, but if I don’t have one on, it’s over?
Yeah. Basically.
Q.C. Crea
*puts one leg through pants* That’s so interesting
Chris is wearing a beanie, so he’s fine. Sorry, Hancock aka BroZilla is fine.
Chris L
Mention Hancock one more time. See what happens.
Q.C. Crea
And I’m just wearing a ballcap… *puts other leg through* …Let me see if I’m getting this… *pulls pants up*…Chris can’t be tickled or he turns into a weakling and Sam can’t penetrate beanies
Chris L
Correct so far.
Q.C. Crea
*zips up and buttons pants*
Chris L
How do those pants fit, MULTIFACETEDMAN?
Q.C. Crea
A little tight in the crotch, but otherwise not bad. I better give them back, though
So – you can’t learn anything right now? You are weak and powerless?
Q.C. Crea
Can’t what?
Learn… isn’t that your power?
Q.C. Crea
What power?
I guess I am correct
Q.C. Crea
Hey… think… guys… I hurts head
Chris L
I’m gonna uppercut both of you to the moon in a minute.
Sadly, I couldn’t get close enough to you to take off the beanie you are wearing, but I am sure I could mind control someone to save me off the moon
Chris L
BROZILLA WINS AGAIN. *pounds Natty Light*
Q.C. Crea
Moon cheese made is
Chris L
Turns out, once again, that we didn’t actually review anything. But we give superpowers an A+, as long as you’re not being tickled or wearing pants or beanies. BROZILLA OUT.