What is a Static IP Address?

A static IP address means having one IP address assigned exclusively to your server. Almost all electronic gadgets with internet connectivity have either a static or dynamic IP address assigned to it in order for the device to be able to go online. An IP address allows a device to communicate over the internet with other devices or computers by telling where the data should go when accessing information. It is your home address for your computer which means it is indeed very crucial to having a stable connection to the Internet. Let’s explain further:

What Is an Internet Protocol (IP) Address?

Internet Protocol, or IP, is a protocol used by private and public networks to facilitate communication between devices within the network. data center server connectivity All types of network, from the World Wide Web to small private network, depend on assigned IP addresses to dictate where information goes. An IP address is set of unique 8-bit numbers assigned to a device that connect to a network. In other words, your IP address is like your home address but for internet-capable devices. Instead of “mailing” a letter, you’re “mailing” information. There are two types of IP addressing standards, IPv4 and IPv6. IPv4 is the most widely used and familiar type of IP address, but IPv6 is in line to replace it in the future. IPv4 addresses have 4 bytes (32 bits) whereas IPv6 has 16 bytes (128 bits) in length. These bytes are typically called octets and for the sake of readability, these bytes, bits, and octets are written in what’s called dotted decimal. Dotted decimal separates each octet of the IP address with a decimal point. For example, a typical IP address (IPv4) seen by a computer in binary notation is:
  • 11000000.10101000.00000001.00000000
That translates into dotted decimal as:
As you can see, dotted decimal notation is much easier on the eyes and it’s what you’ll typically see when dealing with IP addresses through your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Static IP vs Dynamic IP

There are two methods of assigning IP address to your devices and computers. Either a static or dynamic IP address is assigned to a device when it connects to the internet. This goes the same way when we host your dedicated server. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages so choosing the best option for your situation will benefit you. hosted server backup Having a static IP means an IP address will be assigned to your dedicated server only once and that IP address will belong to your dedicated server forever. A static IP address will be given out to your dedicated server so that every time it logs in it will be using the same IP address for all of its sessions. The benefits of having a static IP address are that it is a more dependable and secure IP address. With a static IP address you will have a constant IP address that only you will have access to without having to share with anybody else. Another benefit for a static IP addressing is SEO Hosting.

What Is a Dynamic IP Address?

A dynamic IP address is typically used for computers that will only be logging in temporary. A dynamic IP address means that the IP address assigned to the computer are generated every time a new session begins so there are no consistency in the IP addresses as opposed to its static counterpart. Its one advantage is that since it generates IP address it has fewer limitations than the static method. Every time a computer start a new session online it can generate a different IP address to assign to that computer.

Which Is Better for My Dedicated Server?

Colocation America recommends having a static IP for your dedicated servers. The benefits provide you with the most secure and stable connection to the internet. IP Connectivity is what most of our clients look for when they sign up for our services and a static IP address will help provide a stable connection for any server. Having a dynamic IP address for your dedicated server can also put it at risk from spammers that can take advantage of having so many IP addresses being generated. Secure and dedicated static IP will prevent spammers from ruining your reputation. Also with a static IP address you can be secure in building up your websites internet presence without worrying about losing its place in the virtual world.

How Does the IP Address Affect Search Engine Rankings?

Those who take the bus or train everyday to work know the feeling. Your packed in with a bunch of strangers, it stinks, it's noisy, it's not a pleasant time. Plus, you clutch to your belongings for the fear of theft is present. Using a shared IP address is similar to that feeling. You're crammed into this IP block with other strangers and you have little idea what they're doing, but whatever they are doing is rubbing off on your. Now imagine you have your own car to commute. It's shiny, fast, spacious, and your belongings are behind lock and key. Just from the eye test, having your own car to commute seems like the better option, right? And that's why people want to choose SEO hosting. Instead of sharing your IP block with complete strangers who could be doing things to tarnish that IP address, you have full control over your IP address. This means your site isn't bogged down and the rankings will be higher as a result, not to mention any safety concerns it eliminates. Colocation America offers a broad selection of SEO hosting packages that will help your website rank higher in a day and age where fighting for rankings reigns supreme. Be one step ahead of the curve.