Open Source Technology Advances The Cloud
December 18, 2012

IT Industry Predictions for 2013
December 19, 2012Software designer Open-Xchange has just released a new mobile version of OX App Suite. The free open source software is mobile ready and is intended to streamline communication environments for all end users. A commercial version is slated for release sometime this coming March.
OX App Suite allows users to move data from one windows dedicated server or hosting environment to another.
Open-Xchange states App Suite is a tool designed to help users manage anything from email contacts to work documents all while providing the type of workplace productivity people on the go require. This may help ease mobile integration of IT tools as well.
Open-Xchange Suitable for Various Environments
Open-Xchange claims to also help users organize and keep track of their social media, automatically syncing Facebook, linkedin or other related networking apps. A community version is available for download on Xpedia’s site and is suitable for use in education institutions, SMBs, or public or private organizations. In a nut shell, OX App Suite is the 7th iteration of a central management system in which users can access email, contacts, calendar or address book without flipping back and fourth between applications.
For the IT person on the go, OX App Suite may be worth a go. Workflow productivity is an area of concern for everyone, as the clock never stops. Open-source hopes to get outside service providers to tweak the commercial version of OX App Suite. With only three months left to go, we sincerely hope the community tests the app first to make sure its everything its cracked up to be.