The Debate: SEO Hosting and Dedicated IP Addresses
April 4, 2012

Apple Announces New Data Center Job
April 6, 2012Dedicated Servers Give Gamers Full Control
Ever wonder what it would be like to have admin control for your favorite FPS game? Well for the measly price of $1.50 a day you can have your very own Battlefield 3 server with full admin privilege. The newest patch for Battlefield 3 might have brought along numerous bug fixes and stats balancing that fans have been very vocal about. But the biggest and probably most epic feature was the ability to rent a dedicated server through your game console.
EA, the gaming giant who has been getting a lot of bad press as of lately, has launched a new way for gamers to buy their own server. Of course the new service isn’t free (surprise, surprise) but for a fee you will be given a fully functional Battlefield 3 dedicated server with everything set up. Renting the server gives the user full admin privileges, meaning you have control over friendly fire, maps rotation, VIP slots, and even kicking/banning those annoying 10-year olds that plague the Battlefield community. Someone took your jet and then kamikaze it into a building? Ban that n00b!
Of course, with great powers comes great responsibility. If you want to keep your server full, kicking others just because they have a higher KDR won’t exactly boost the popularity of your server. Either way, it is a smart move by EA in that it is both a new revenue stream and gives inexperience players who have no clue how to setup their own Battlefield 3 servers the ability to do so. Something akin to the managed server services we offer here at Colocation America.
So if your clan is looking for private space to scrim on or you’re just looking to mess around with the game settings then renting a server is a simple endeavor. Simply login to your Xbox 360 dashboard or PlayStation 3 account and choose the option to purchase a dedicated server for Battlefield 3. There are several options to choose from. You can rent a server for $1.50 a day, $7.00 a week, $25.00 a month, or $60.00 for 3 months. Whichever the choice may be, you know exactly why you’re willing to shell out your hard earn cash for those rental fees. Admin power!
*Update! Removed PC from title since they do not provide support for the BF 3 PC version. Thanks Robert Lindabury!