Happy Mother’s Day: Giving Love to our LA Mommy Bloggers
May 11, 2012

Proactive Database Monitoring: Pay Now Or Really Pay Later
May 29, 2012The Fedora Project is gearing up for the release of their latest version, Fedora 17, known as Beefy Miracle. This version has numerous new features and upgrades that will meet the needs of developers and webmasters alike. On May 29, Fedora will debut the new version of its free, open source operating system that is an upstream of the Red hat Enterprise Linux OS. The new upgrades to Fedora was made possible by members of the Fedora community; from developers to beta testers to dedicated sponsors, but most of the credit goes to the developers because they did all of the hard work.
Fedora Dedicated Servers
Fedora 17 has a plethora of new feature that were implemented due to the suggestions made by members of the Fedora community. Some of the new features and updates will help our clients with a Linux dedicated server hosting plan secure and run their hosted server. For example, all traffic handled by a server with Fedora 17 installed will be secured through a DNSSEC extension. Through the use of two new daemons ( unbound and dnssec-triggerd) users can enable DNSSEC and perform checks to see if DNSSEC works or if something is wrong. A “hot spot sign-on” option is also included for server admins to temporarily allow spoofed DNS to be redirected and gain full access after it has been verified.
Other features include the KVM Guest PMU which is a performance monitoring unit for guest which allows users to be able to run standard profiling tools requiring PMU inside of KVM guests and an update to PHP 5.4.
As far as updates to the core Linux kernel are concerned, Fedora 17 users can now mkfs, mount, and administer ext4 filesystems that are larger than 16T (2^32 blocks) with the hopes of improving this further to work on a maximum filesystem size of 100T before the actual release date. OpenStack Essex is included with the new update for easier management of cloud hosting servers. The update will also include the use of GMA graphics and various enhancements/fixes to beef up the new operating system.
So what does the new update from Fedora mean to our customers at Colocation America? We have so many developers running Fedora as their main operating system for their dedicated servers. We can also start offering Fedora 17 to new clients looking for a dedicated server hosting plan with a powerful OS powered by the Linux kernel once its release. The new upgrade to Fedora 17 will provide a huge advantage for Fedora users. Eclipse SDK Juno will run more smoothly as Java 7 and OPenJDK7 becomes the new default Java runtime. There is even an updated version of of the latest stable Ruby language, Ruby 1.9.3, that comes packaged with the OS.
Tell us what you think about the list of new features for Fedora 17 and visit the Fedora community if you want to make a recommendation before the new version hit the web.
Feel Free to Contact Shawn Ahdoot