Improving Energy Efficiency in Data Centers
February 27, 2012

Leap Year Causes Cloud Computing Problems
February 29, 2012FXI has announced plans to launch their new product dubbed the “Cotton Candy”, a fully functioning computer that fits in the case of a USB drive. The device can run either Ubuntu or Android 4.0, and sports a dual core 1.2 GHz ARM Cortex-A9 CPU, a gig of RAM, and even a Mali 400MP dedicated graphics card that allows it to process HD video. Could this make the cheapest dedicated servers ever?
The Cotton Candy has a USB plug on one side as a power source. On the other side is a HDMI plug for display purposes. It includes installed WiFi and Bluetooth for connectivity and input devices. It will boot standalone and can operate as a complete computer when given a display and a USB power source. It can also be used as a supplementary system that plugs into a normal computer, which would boot like a regular USB storage device.
FXI announced yesterday that the Cotton Candy is going to be available for preorder. The retail price is a smooth $199 plus tax and shipping, and the product is expected to ship out in March. The convenience, size, and impressive specs will most likely make a big splash in the tech world, providing an ultra-portable and self sustaining Linux system at a reasonable price.