Colocation Newark: An Alternative to New York Colocation
December 8, 2011

Improving Server Efficiency Reports with SERT
December 29, 2011Everyone understands that Google requires the most data processing power out of all of the tech companies right now, but recent estimates show some shocking numbers. Estimates from August have placed Google’s server count at over 1 million. Yes, that’s over 1 million servers for just one company, which is a tough number to swallow. Less generous estimates range it to more around 900,000 servers, which is still an impressive number.
It is hard to verify this sort of information however, and any estimates are merely educated guesses. Google does not release any server information regarding its data centers. The estimate stems from Stanford professor Jonathan Koomey, from a report on data center energy usage we touched on a few weeks ago. David Jacobowitz, program manager on Google’s Green Energy team, had told Koomey that their data center electricity consumption was less than 1% of 198.8 billion kWh, which means that Google’s entire data center network has an energy consumption of around 220 megawatts of power.
Google’s data centers have been crafted to integrate the industry’s best energy efficient solutions into their design and operations, which is to be expected from the tech giant. The company has pioneered running warmer facilities and incorporating chiller-less data centers, all of which results in less energy consumption. With the combination of the best energy efficient data centers incorporated in approximately 1 million servers, Google looks to add on even more servers in the near future. The company has created a new computation and storage system called Spanner, which will automate Google services across its many data centers.