Chromebooks – Bang for The Buck
October 22, 2012

Online Streaming – What’s Free & What’s for Sale
October 24, 2012Software is continually evolving, and at a rate faster than we can sometimes anticipate. So where does that leave us concerning the next five years? Our editorial staff has put together four trends that are sure to change the way we manage our IT infrastructure, more rapidly than we’d like to admit.
Over the next five years the average budget of IT departments is expected to shrink. As companies grow, so does their need for network storage, new hardware and software required to keep up with an ever changing landscape. Throw in a massive growth in jobs along with a strong lack of quality personnel that can effectively fill those jobs, and you’ve got yourself a little problem. So what’s the solution you may ask? Do your best to keep up with these emerging trends. It’s not as serious as we make it seem, but just in case, consider the following a parachute of sorts.
Invest in Virtual Data Centers
Using Virtual Servers as an extension of the physical data center will support accelerated growth rates without maxing out IT budgets. Think of it as a hybrid system in which specialty providers will be competing for your business. Although we’re not economists, healthy competition in the marketplace will keep prices under control.
Don’t Be Afraid To Embrace In-House IT
Rapid growth in IT also means that there will be an increase in network complexity. With a number of industry veterans retiring, new employees will be required to step in and learn new skills. If software develops faster than it’s IT support, companies will grow frustrated at the poor level of service. At the same time, industry trends hint that mobile devices such as smart-phones and tablets will be used as IT tools. Employees should embrace the trend of being able to access company networks remotely as it will inevitably make their lives easier. Keeping your employees busier may led to higher retention rates when the going gets tough.
Invest In Mobile Security
Mobile devices as IT tools mean enterprises will be put at risk in regards to their network security. Companies already spend a lot of money securing their data, so how will they secure data if they are networking from mobile devices? Encryption of information will be key and device level security should become a high priority. Be on the look out for mobile networking security. Chance are, they will be a worthwhile investment.
Software Defined Networks
As individuals arrive to work with their favorite mobile devices, chances are they’re might be some software clashes. The solution: Invest in a centralized software management system in which all end users must adapt their devices to. This way, network security measures can have the chance to remain consistent from one device to another. If a virtual server application is needed, then so be it. It may the best idea as mobile devices continue to trickle into the office place.
Supports the Public/Private trend as well as the trend towards which we wrote about a few months ago. Thanks for sharing!
Love the whit. It’s so true. I think companies, IT managers, whom-ever get carried away and spend on services they don’t need. It’s totally a given that energy & cooling will always be factors, but still, companies should only worry about keeping their data secure. I suppose optimizing servers on the back end should be job one. Virtualization will help with redundancy.