The Way Forward from IPv4 Depletion
January 3, 2018

What’s in Store for Security in 2018
January 8, 2018Welcome back to ‘This Week in Getting Hacked’—the world’s greatest cybersecurity-related link dump! Each week, we bring you the best news stories from the cybersecurity field, letting you know who’s getting hacked, who’s hacking, what data is leaking, and about what you should take with caution. So strap in, change your password, and let’s find out who’s getting hacked this week!
On to the links…
Comfortable clothes wearers everywhere are freaking out because Forever 21 has been hacked!
We mentioned this a little bit in our 2017 Hackcap (that’s a recap for hacks), but the company, since we last wrote, has said:
We regret this incident occurred and any concern this may have caused you.
Yeah, having your POS systems hacked and customer credit card information leaked is all healed with regret. At least there’s an ongoing investigation by law enforcement that might rectify the situation.
Now for the real story of 2018 so far: Intel. Dude, what the f*&k? If you’re associated with AMD at all, you’re probably jumping for joy. Take a look at this video to understand the implications:
It can be patched, but th epatch will slow down machines (especially older ones) by up to 30 percent. Which is crazy. This is definitely an odd story, especially since Intel’s CEO sold $24 million worth of Intel stock a few days before this story broke, but we aren’t that type of blog.
Believe me, there will be much more to come on this story.
If you use Chrome and you like clogging your RAM with all those cool extensions, well, you’ve been HAD. Had, or hacked, I guess. Basically, if you are one of the 100,000 or so “Coinhive” users, that app has been taking over your machine to mine cyrptocurrency of their own, Monero.
This really shouldn’t be surprising, but we found it amusing enough to include in this week’s Hacked.
In a “simple when you think about it” kind of potential hacking—Antivirus programs are a great tool for spying!
Chief research officer at Digita Security, Patrick Wardle, is quoted as saying:
Ironically, though, these products share many characteristics with the advanced cyberespionage collection implants they seek to detect
This news comes from a report that Russian spies were using Kaspersky to spy on the NSA.
The moral of this story is to always double check who’s double-checking your anitvirus program’s company.
That’s it for now! Stay safe out there and change your passwords!