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January 23, 2013VoIP call centers are popping up all over the place these days. Primarily because the cost of Internet based calling systems are cheaper than using a traditional land line. However, how do you determine if your call center is running efficiently. After all, time is money.
However, how do you determine if your call center is running efficiently.
After all, time is money, especially if your paying for bandwidth usage. What other costs should you factor in? More importantly, do you have a training plan in place for call center employees? Here’s the rundown:
Determine Your Call Center Needs
Generally speaking, companies spend money on the following things: Rent, labor, technology employee training and electricity.
First things first: if you are new to the call center market you’ll need to establish a location than can safely accommodate employees and support the necessary hardware needed to run a call center, such as a VoIP Dialer. Step two; determine the minimum amount of employees you’ll need to safely handle inbound calls.
Having IT staff on hand isn’t a bad idea either, as most VoIP related hardware can be finicky and prone to technical issues. Step 3: you’ll also need to train call center staff and invest time in integrating and testing the VoIP hardware before your call center goes online.
Determine Utility Costs
How much bandwidth will your VoIP servers need to safely field inbound calls during peak hours? Estimating your workload will also help determine what sort of pricing plan to look for from an ISP (Internet Service Provider), since that will be the back bone of your business. Determine how much power all related IT equipment requires isn’t a bad idea as well. Anything to soften the blow of your utility bills each month. The more you expect the better prepared you’ll be to meet budgetary objectives.
Setting up a #VoIP based #callcenter: A Step by Step Process: bit.ly/WmZIiu
– Colocation America (@ColocationUSA) January 23, 2013