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November 13, 2013

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November 18, 2013A virtual private network can save your business time and money. All you need to know about setting a virtual private network.
A Virtual Private Network can be a great way to simplify things for your users and get access to whatever company assets you might not otherwise be able to on the move. VPNs aren’t especially difficult to set-up and if your business has an in-house IT department, they should be able to take care of it quite easily. Many of you may have heard of the term, “VPN,” but you don’t know what it is or what it does.
Essentially, a VPN joins networks together, allowing for simple and secure connections to the office from anywhere using the Internet. If you’re unfamiliar with what a VPN could offer your business though, we’re going to go through some of the ways a VPN can save your business time and money.
How a VPN Can Save Your Business Money
It’s no secret that IT costs at companies are only growing. No matter whether or not you have 10 computers or 10,000, networking them together is essential. Networks are required for businesses to share files, communicate with each other and generally help get work done. However, as you connect more and more computers together as the software distribution pool grows, you might find things becoming difficult. A VPN can save you money for a number of important reasons, let’s take a look at these below:
– VPNs are flexible — it doesn’t matter how you go about setting up a VPN, there’s no hard rulebook. Thus, you can create a VPN that suits your company’s needs 100%.
– They’re simple — once setup, a VPN is simple for both users and technicians to use. There’s little to no smoke and mirrors going on in the background with a VPN.
– It’s safe — having users connecting to the office from the outside world using traditional methods might not be safe. When things go wrong, it can cost a lot of money to put right. With VPNs however, those costly security breaches need not happen.
– Software won’t require masses of licenses. Software companies want more money for more people using their software but, with a VPN this cost is dramatically reduced as many people can use one license.
– VPNs are easily scaled — as your company grows, so will your IT bill and associated headaches. A VPN however is easily scaled and will help your business grow, without the growing pains.
– They’re great for multiple locations — a VPN can easily join two offices or many stores together using the Internet, saving you money on leased lines between buildings.
How a VPN Saves Your Business Time
You might be wondering how and why a VPN can make your company more efficient, but there are a number of ways. Most benefits of a VPN will directly affect your employees and how they get their work done. A VPN makes things simple and as we all know, simplicity leads directly to efficiency. For one thing, it’s easy to scale and service VPNs. Let’s take a look at some of the key ways a VPN can save your business time:
– VPNs are easy to use — teaching staff to use new systems can take a lot of time out, but a VPN is easy to explain and time spent educating your staff can be better spent elsewhere.
– They’re scalable — just as scalability can save you money, it can also save you time. Building new networks and network connections can be a lengthy process. VPNs however, allow you to use the Internet — securely — instead of building new infrastructure.
– You can access everything on the move — the Cloud is great, but it’s difficult to use and not exactly secure. With a VPN you can access those files left at the office — or on the office network — no matter where you are in the world. Saving your employees massive headaches when traveling or working from ho– A VPN can access any regional site from anywhere in the world. A lot of websites will detect where you are in the world and redirect you. For your traveling salesmen, this isn’t ideal at all. With VPN software their laptops can pretend to be in the US no matter where they are.