Windows Server 8 Set to Improve Server Management
March 28, 2012

Favorite Children’s eBooks for Read across America
March 30, 2012What is almost as embarrassing as telling people that you still buying yellow page ads? Telling them that you have no plans to take your VOIP service and site into the mobile sphere. No longer is it enough to just have a website or services online. Recent statistics about growth in mobile use has VoIP and calling card businesses seeing the advantages of Mobile VoIP. Any mobile device (i.e. cell phone or/and tablet) has VoIP capabilities and most users do not even know they are using VoIP services.
Got that? Now, let’s experiment.
Go to your chosen device and search the App Store for VoIP. Immediately you will see major companies like Skype and popular Mobile VoIP services like Voxer Walkie-Talkie PTT. Other apps describe themselves as SIP clients. For the VoIP provider these SIP apps are for you and your clients.
SIP or Session Initiation Protocol allows for the communication between IP networks. In other words, SIP capable servers and devices allow for VoIP data to be transferred between people and devices. As one app states, “you can also setup the SIP server in your own organization, with this application, your phone is your extension.” Assuming that your VoIP provider has a SIP server, you can purchase an app and be VoIP capable immediately. On the other hand, mobile VoIP is capable by using softswitch vendors as a gateway to bridge the connection. Softswitch allows your mobile devices to communicate with any server that has SIP application software installed.
As a VoIP provider or prospective VoIP provider, these apps and mobile device capabilities will take your business on the road, literally. By creating your own app or becoming a partner with a company that has already created one, you can spread your clients reach and your wallet. The best thing to do is test the apps over various devices and recommend one to your clients. Be cautious, however, of mobile network operators that may charge your clients and yourself an arm and a leg for using this service. Remember, you are making phone calls via WiFi and the internet and therefore may be subject to data transfer charges. Regardless, the smart move for VoIP providers is to make their VoIP hosting SIP capable and get a partner or create their own phone app so that clients can take their services anywhere. Stop just sitting there and thinking about it. Get up and get mobile before you get forgotten!
1 Comment
Found a little stat on the Nielsen wire that can support the claim that the world is going mobile. As of February of 2012. nearly half (49.7%) of U.S. cell subscribers currently own smartphones, a 38 percent increase over the previous year.