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October 24, 2012

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October 29, 2012The editorial staff at Colocation America is pleased to announce our 400th blog. We are excited to announce our new campaign, “Colocation America Writes for You!” Details below:
A Milestone: From 200 to 400 Blogs
Since our 200th blog entry this past February, our blog postings have experienced numerous successes, thanks to a lot of people helping out along the way. We’d also like to thank our readership. Without you, none of this success would be possible.
Since the 200 mark, the addition of guest blogs has been integral in helping us reach a wider audience. This new strategy has opened up many doors and helped us build and maintain important relationships throughout the year.
However this is not enough! We’d like to take it a step further by seeking an opportunity to write for you, your company blog and/or website.
Writing for the community at large allows us to bring our knowledge and understanding of the technology industry straight to your blog.
We Invite You to Join the Movement—Just Follow the Steps Below:
Step #1
– Please email [email protected] and include your contact info, website and suggested tech topics you would like us to write about; or we can supply your website with suggested topics of our own.
Step #2
– We send you the blog.
Step #3
– You email us with an approval along with a date when the blog will be published.
Step #4
– Once the blog we wrote is made live, Email us the web url.
Step #5
– We promote the blog on our various social media outlets, driving traffic to your web-site.
Step #6
– If you like what we wrote and the results our social media promotion brought you, then by all means, repeat steps 1 through 5 as often as you’d like. We’re more than willing to continue our contributions to your website.
Before you go, please do enjoy some of the most memorable blog postings.
In our opinion, the following blogs demonstrate our commitment to publishing trusted and credible technology news online. The Colocation America Editorial staff thanks you.
Memorable Guest Blogs
Small & Mighty – Can Micro-Servers Corner The Market? by Alex Burgess (@serverau)
The Data Center Certifications You Need – Whatever the Platform by James Lapwood (@beafirebrand)
If you like the content from these featured guest bloggers, go ahead and follow them on twitter to see what they’re up to lately. By engaging with other guest bloggers, you are participating within the community, enriching your experience in the process. Engagement on social media, when positive, helps maintain a level of integrity amongst guest bloggers.
Notable Blogs From Our Staff
Update: iO6 Falls Short, Apple CEO Issues Apology
The Fastest Internet In The US – Google Fiberhood
International Women’s Day: Top 5 Most Influential Women in the Data Center Industry
5 Under 25, Celebrating International Youth Day
Wi-Fi Blocking Wallpaper? Why Not Just Secure Your Wi-Fi Connections!