What Is a Multi-Cloud Environment?
August 10, 2021

DCIM Software Companies Need Better Security Standards
August 12, 2021

What Is Multi-Experience?
The idea of multi experience or multi-experience is replacing technology-literate people with people-literate technology. Multi-experience references the use of different variations of modalities (for example touch, voice, and gesture) and their application to devices and apps. Multi-experience aims to give users different ways to interact with the technology.
With the way technology is being used in our modern-day, there are also several different channels that multi-experience can take advantage of. Most people use at least one or more of these channels for everyday use. These channels include Desktop/Laptop, Smartphones, Tablets, Wearables, smart TVs, IoT, Smart Hubs, and Third-Party Integration. These are some of the ones that are available today, and I’m sure we will see more in the future.
Companies that utilize different modalities and channels can improve customer experience and can bring new users into their world. One example of this is the banking industry. What has once comprised of brick and mortar locations introduced online banking, today more people are banking from their mobile devices. Within these devices, we may be using modalities such as touch, voice, or even gesture. We are already using multi-experience in our everyday lives but be on the lookout for more examples of this in the future.

What is DevOps?
DevOps is short for “development” and “operations”. DevOps is the mixture of tools and practices that aim to help increase a company’s capability of delivering applications and services faster than a traditional software development process. DevOps is the process that companies use to make better products or makes the distribution of these products or services better. This is done by streamlining communication between the people building the product and the ones who are making the product function.
DevOps practices are used to automate typically slow processes. They use a technology stack and tooling to help evolve applications in a fast, consistent, and dependable way. The application of DevOps can be beneficial to a company in several different ways including speed, rapid delivery, reliability, the ability to scale easily, improved collaboration, and security.

What Is the “as-a-Service” Model?
Cloud computing and cloud services have changed the way individuals and companies utilize many different software applications. Now many of these software applications can be deployed quickly and easily without the need to buy and install entire systems. Utilizing these different software applications through a cloud provider is known as the “as-a-service” model.
Today, you can find almost everything “as-a-service” including hardware as a service (HaaS), artificial intelligence as a service (AIaaS), desktop as a service DaaS), test environment as a service (TEaaS), network as a service (NaaS), monitoring as a service (MaaS), location as a service (LaaS), knowledge as a service (KaaS), framework as a service (FaaS), Data as a service (DaaS), Disaster Recovery as a service (DRaaS) and more.
Because almost everything is being offered “as a service” the term or acronym XaaS has been coined. “X” refers to anything or Anything as a service. The as-a-service model can offer several different advantages to companies, which include cost savings and efficiency, improved productivity, better cybersecurity, and the ability to adapt to your customers. It can also give a company important data to help them improve its operations and navigate the future.

What Is Digital Transformation?
Digital transformation is the practice of using new technology to improve and remake products, services, and even entire business models. Digital transformation isn’t a “one size fits all” sort of deal. Every company’s digital transformation will be different than the next.
There are three components of digital transformation which include the renovating of processes, the renovation of operations, and the renovation of relationships with customers. Changing these processes can mean different things for different companies. An easy example can be how some companies still rely on pen, paper, and physical filing cabinets, changing to a digital system can be beneficial. Some companies may have already gone digital, but the use of automation or artificial intelligence can be useful.
Using new technologies can improve companies in many different ways. Depending on the company itself, the digital transformation can be more drastic than the next. But taking a look at your company’s operations and evaluating the various processes, operations, and relationships with your customers can be beneficial in itself.

How Is Artificial Intelligence Being Implemented in the Data Center?
Artificial intelligence is helping many different industries including the data center industry. Generally speaking, artificial intelligence can be beneficial for many different industries by automating processes, giving companies useful insight through data analysis, and helping businesses connect with their customers. The AI data center is changing the industry as we know it. For data center operations, there are various ways artificial intelligence can be implemented and with several benefits. The first way AI is being applied is to conserve energy. Data centers are known to use a lot of energy for their cooling systems. Employing AI can greatly reduce energy usage. Google has reported that it has been able to reduce its energy consumption by 40%.
AI can also be used to help reduce downtime. An hour of downtime can cause companies to lose up to $400,000. AI can keep track of several different parameters including server performance, congestion of the network, and disk utilization. AI can also enable unmanned automation. Not only can this be useful in times of crisis, but it can also make data centers more efficient.
Lastly, artificial intelligence can also improve security. An AI security system can cover more ground through automation. With machine learning technology, data centers can security systems can scan their systems regularly to find any potential outside cybersecurity threats. Implementing artificial intelligence can be advantageous for many different industries including the data center industry.
Some of these technical terms have been around for a while now but understanding these ideas can be challenging. As technology moves with us and adapts to our needs, new technologies will continue to be introduced. Our technology FAQs are meant to help simplify these specific ideas for our readers. If you have any specific questions about any new or old technology topics—connect with Colocation America. We’ll make sure to include them in this series.
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[…] has become more accessible in a myriad of ways. We can find just about anything and everything-as-a-service. We can build websites and applications without the knowledge of coding, which will be valuable for […]